LAPMG Articles

affordable rental property improvements

Maximize Your Income With These Affordable Rental Property Improvements

The goal of every landlord is to keep expenses low while maximizing income. As a Glendale property manager, this should also be your priority.  Fortunately, there are some affordable rental property improvements that can improve the quality of your property while keeping the cost low. You don’t need to do any major upgrade or improvements […]

Burbank property manager

5 Easy Ways to Make Your Tenants Happier

As a Burbank property manager, the first thing you need to understand in this business is that happier tenants lead to an efficient and profitable business. If you want to retain your tenants and attract more quality tenants, you need to ensure that your current tenants are happy and satisfied not just with your property […]

Beverly Hills property managers

3 Fundamental Steps To Market Your Rental Property Successfully

As holiday period draws closer, most Beverly Hills property managers will be competing hard for quality tenants. Potential tenants will like to get settled in their new apartments before the holiday season, this holds a great opportunity to market your rental property. No doubt, rental property marketing is becoming more challenging for most Beverly Hills […]

Rental Property Insurance Coverage

Why You Need a Rental Property Insurance Coverage

For most new rental property investors, they think all they need to do is invest in a property and start getting tenants and smiling to the bank. Apart from hiring an experienced property management company, you need to take steps to protect yourself and your property. One of the best ways to provide such protection […]

attract quality tenants

How to Increase Tenant Retention With Online Marketing

If there is one thing that makes most landlords happy, it is the ability of their property management company to increase tenant retention and reduce long vacancy cycles. In fact, the ability to keep vacancy in any property very short is what separates experienced West Hollywood property management companies from inexperienced ones. This is the […]

property inspections

Four Kinds of Property Inspections Every Property Manager Must Know About

As a property manager in Los Angeles or any part of the nation, you need to carry out property inspections as often as possible; in fact, the more the better. You don’t need to do an inspection once a year or just during the vacancy periods. There are 4 types of property inspections you must […]

tenant losing his job

What To Do When Your Tenant Lose their Job

As a property manager or landlord in North Hollywood, one of the inevitable situations you may have to deal with at some point is your tenant losing their job. This is a situation that will definitely affect your relationship with your tenant. Coping with tenant’s job loss is your responsibility apart from collecting rents, maintaining […]

tenant damage

5 Smart Ways to Protect Your Rental Property From Tenant Damage

One of the imminent concerns of every property manager in West Hollywood is tenant damage. While conducting a background check can help you reduce the number of bad tenants, there is still possibility of attracting bad tenants who for one reason or another will cause damage to your property. Experienced property managers in West Hollywood […]

rental property

How to Attract Millennials to Your Rental Property

If you have a rental property in Los Angeles and surrounding environs, it might be a good idea to start targeting Millennials. Things are changing so fast, Millennials are becoming independent faster than Baby Boomers during their time and they are beginning to search for their own apartment. In fact, most of them are getting […]