LAPMG Articles

tenant with low credit score

How To Deal With A Tenant With Low Credit Score

If you are a property manager, you will have to deal with a tenant that has less than perfect credit record at some point. Of course, every property manager wants to rent to a tenant with a stellar credit score. Unfortunately, this will not always come true. In the United States, the average credit score […]

Los Angeles rental property

5 Reasons To Work With Property Manager When Buying a Rental Property in Los Angeles

Investing in your first Los Angeles rental property is a huge step. It is going to completely change your life. However, this will depend on how you go about it. If this is your first time investing in Los Angeles rental property, you should ensure you avoid mistakes. Even what you considered a little mistake […]

best property management company in Los Angeles

7 Really Smart Ways To Grow your Property Management Business

As the best property management company in Los Angeles, we have seen so many property management companies come up and fade away. We have watched as some of these inexperienced companies struggle. Unfortunately, not everyone is cut out to be a property manager. Being a successful property management company in Los Angeles is not as […]

Los Angeles property managers

Millennials Really Want These 4 Inexpensive Amenities

No doubt, most experienced Los Angeles property managers are upgrading their properties to meet the need of Millennials. In the recent years, it has become clear that this group makes us a significant number of renters. As a property owner, you can upgrade your property and enjoy more patronage from Millennials. However, you need to […]

Los Angeles landlord

6 Real Estate Professionals Every Los Angeles Landlord Need

As a Los Angeles landlord, you cannot do everything alone. While you may have some skills that will allow you do some tasks yourself and save money, there are some real estate professionals that you cannot do without. These professionals will help you manage your property. As the owner of the property, you still need […]

online rent collections

Online Rent Collections: What Every Landlord and Property Manager Need to Know

It is no longer news that collecting rental checks is becoming a thing of the past. If you are working with Millennials as well as Generation Z, you need to adopt online rent collections. Thanks to the internet, everything is now done online, which makes it easier for you as well as for your tenants. […]

student renters

Top Amenities To Attract Student Renters

Renting to students is not a bad idea. In fact, it may be an investment decision that most landlord can benefit from. Student renters are unique. Most of them will pay your rent in full or even before the month starts since their parents are the one taking care of the bills. Moreover, most student […]

rent to college students

Should You Rent To College Students?

For most landlords and property managers in Los Angeles, it is always a difficult task deciding whether to rent to college students or not. While some property managers have their reasons for not wanting to rent to college students, there are some that still thinks that the benefit outweighs the disadvantages. Nonetheless, no matter the […]

Los Angeles rental property

How to Deal With Tenants and Their Pets In Your Los Angeles Rental Property

As a landlord or a property manager, you need to have a good pet policy for your Los Angeles rental property. Of course, in recent years, it has been discovered that pets are popular with many renters in the United States. This means that you cannot afford to keep on turning renters back because they […]