LAPMG Articles

7 Property Management Tips for Landlords

Owning property is a great means of generating income and the wealth. However, being a landlord in Burbank comes with its own challenges, and therefore property owners should be prepared to put in all the necessary effort and time in order to become successful. We have some tips for property management which can make or […]

tenant eviction

What Does the Tenant Eviction Process Really Cost You?

Tenant eviction happens. It is one reality that every landlord and property manager in Burbank must face. No doubt, no landlord or property manager wants to go through this process. However, circumstances can force you to take action to evict a tenant. If you have been through this experience, you will know how it feels. […]

purchasing a rental property

4 Common Mistakes To Avoid When Purchasing Rental Property

Becoming a landlord is one of the best financial decisions you will ever make. However, purchasing a rental property is not an easy decision. There are a lot of factors you need to consider to ensure that you are not making a mistake. You also need to be careful so you can make a profit […]

Five Tips to Sell Your Property Fast

Selling your house in Burbank can be a stressful process. The first step is to find a real estate agent to market your house and this step should not be taken lightly. Besides putting all of your focus on marketing and selling your property, you can do some things to make the long selling process […]

Seven Ways a Property Management Company Can Maximize Your Real Estate Investment Benefits

As an investor considering venturing into real estate in Burbank, the first question that comes to mind is: what are the benefits of investing in real estate? Buying and selling real estate provides most investors with the opportunity to build wealth and secure long-term financial stability. Author LAPMG View all posts


The Toughest Landlord Problems and How to Solve Them

Becoming a landlord can be very rewarding. However, managing a rental property is not easy. Whether you want to manage your property or you want to get a property manager, there are some common landlord problems you are likely to deal with irrespective of where your property is located. Author LAPMG View all posts

new landlord

Where to Start: The First Steps You Should Take as a New Landlord

Let me start by congratulating you on becoming a landlord in Burbank. This is an exciting and rewarding journey. As a new landlord, you’ll be in a position to make people’s life easier and their dream come true. Of course, you will get rewarded through rent when you do your job well. Becoming a new […]

How to Buy the Right Rental Property

Of аll thе steps you mау choose tо pursue іn real еѕtаtе іnvеѕtmеnt in Burbank, rеnоvаtіоn is рrоbаblу the mоѕt ѕіgnіfісаnt. Dоnе properly, renovation (rеhаbіlіtаtіоn, refurbishment, restoration all describe a mоrе or lеѕѕ ѕіmіlаr process) wіll establish a рrоfіt bаѕе in rеаl еѕtаtе frоm which аll other рrоfіt wіll flow аnd bе еnhаnсеd. In this […]

exterior maintenance

Exterior Maintenance Tasks That Need To Be Done Before a Tenant Moves In

First impressions matter to your new tenants in Burbank. You need to do some cleanup before your tenant moves in. If you need a quality tenant and you need the tenant to keep your property in a good condition, you need to do some routine maintenance that includes both exterior maintenance and interior maintenance before […]