LAPMG Articles

The Basics of Property Management

Property management in Burbank is a process of operation, control and oversight of real estate in broadcast terms and it has now become need of almost every property owner. In this current era no one has enough time to do multiple tasks, so they tend to rely on some agencies, firms or some other sources that […]

How to Reach the Next Level of Property Management

Bеing a property mаnаgеr in Burbank саn definitely come with itѕ perks, but it also comes with some very fruѕtrаting situations. The mоѕt imроrtаnt аnd foremost aspect of property mаnаgеmеnt iѕ рrеvеnting the рrоblеmѕ before thеу аriѕе. Author LAPMG View all posts

How to Avoid Bad Tenants

In Property management in Burbank, Tenants and Renters play a key role. The reason why you put up that property for rent is to get a tenant. In as much as there are good tenants, there are also bad tenants. Bad tenants can be a major source of concern of property owners. A typical bad […]

6 Hot Tips for Property Managers

PROPERTY MANAGEMENT TIPS FOR LANDLORDS It is always not easy to properly manage properties, being a landlord in Burbank can be very challenging. It requires a lot of work, from finding and selecting the right tenants, collecting rents, creating and following lease agreements. When it comes to property management there are certain things that can […]

All You Need To Know About Crowdfunding for Real Estate

Crowdfunding is the modern method of investment. To be precise, crowdfunding takes advantage of the access you have to your friends, relatives, and neighbors through social media. You get the word out and about a new business you’re starting and suddenly you have a pool of investors available to you. Sounds convenient, doesn’t it? It […]

6 Questions You Must Include In Your Rental Application

Landlords in Burbank looking for tenants heads up: always put them through a screening test. Ruthless as it may sound, the majority of property owners prefer future tenants go through a rental application process before they meet each other. While this makes shortlisting a lot easier, rental application has other purposes as well. People often […]

How to Carry Out a Rental Property Inspection like a Pro

The agreement has been signed, and you have the giddy euphoria of a profitable landlord in Burbank. Congratulations on securing your first tenant! Now, let’s get down to the business of being a landlord of a rental property. Beside documentation, tax calculation, and managing income, you also need to keep an eye on your property […]

5 Hardscaping Ideas to Add Value to Your Rental Property

The hard and fast rule of a rental property is to make prospective tenants want to grab yours as soon as they lay eyes on it. To illustrate, let’s consider this scenario. If you stand in front of two rental properties in Burbank: one with a neat, paved walkway to the front door, and another […]

How to Get into Real Estate Investment with Little Money

If you’re reading this article then you must have pretty much made up your mind about investing in real estate in Burbank. As great as your enthusiasm maybe, it’s wise to learn the ropes before taking the dive without one. Real estate investment, like any other financial investment, entails high risks for high returns. It’s […]