LAPMG Articles

How to Carry Out a Rental Property Inspection like a Pro

The agreement has been signed, and you have the giddy euphoria of a profitable landlord in Burbank. Congratulations on securing your first tenant! Now, let’s get down to the business of being a landlord of a rental property. Beside documentation, tax calculation, and managing income, you also need to keep an eye on your property […]

5 Hardscaping Ideas to Add Value to Your Rental Property

The hard and fast rule of a rental property is to make prospective tenants want to grab yours as soon as they lay eyes on it. To illustrate, let’s consider this scenario. If you stand in front of two rental properties in Burbank: one with a neat, paved walkway to the front door, and another […]

How to Get into Real Estate Investment with Little Money

If you’re reading this article then you must have pretty much made up your mind about investing in real estate in Burbank. As great as your enthusiasm maybe, it’s wise to learn the ropes before taking the dive without one. Real estate investment, like any other financial investment, entails high risks for high returns. It’s […]

How to Get Rid of Squatters the Legal Way

Squatter problems? We understand. As fun as owning a home in Burbank may sound, it is also a lot of hard work. You are responsible for taking care of the property including maintenance, filing tax papers, registering with the local authorities etc. The list goes on. That’s why most landlords prefer to let out to […]

Straight Talk: Showing a House With Tenants Still There

Straight Talk: Showing a House with Tenants Still There

       The Challenge When Stephan Illouz of Los Angeles Property Management Group took on the task of leasing a 4500-square-foot house in Santa Monica, the home’s owner still had family members living there. When she told Stephan the price she expected to fetch for rent—$12,500—he detailed some specific repairs she would need to […]

better landlord

Ten Valuable Tips That Will Make You A Better Landlord

Your tenants deserve the best landlord irrespective of where your property is located, whether it’s Burbank or North Hollywood. You can never stop learning if you want to become a better landlord. Moreover, by learning and improving your knowledge every day, you can make more profit from your rental property. Author LAPMG View all posts

Reasons to Hire a Property Management Company

In thiѕ аgе оf indереndеnсе, it iѕ inеvitаblе that most property оwnеrs in Burbank would think they can dо finе managing their property on their оwn. Sure, уоu’ve gоt tеnаntѕ whо рау оn time, until eventually thеу dоn’t. Sоmе will brеасh the contract аnd lease terms, then саuѕе problems with the nеighbоrѕ and оthеr tеnаntѕ. […]

Buy or Build?

A house is the biggest investment most people make. Most times, buyers in Burbank use up a lot of energy and time in finding or designing the “perfect home” before putting pen to paper on any contract. Price, location, Market trends development, homeowners’ association fees, property tax, and the property status are taken into account […]

The Importance of Property Management to Real Estate Investment

You can attain a reasonable level of financial stability when you consider robust investment options, of which real estate is one. Real estate investments provide a wide range of investment opportunities and could be a real money spinner. It involves the purchase, ownership, management, rental and/or sale of real estate for profit. Real estate investors […]