LAPMG Articles

Top 10 Best Neighborhoods in Los Angeles Worth Investing In

Think of Los Angeles, and you get an image of beautiful sunsets, beaches and unlimited palm trees. You’ll be surprised to know that, not every neighborhood in Burbank is lined with palm trees or next to the beach. In fact, some of the most coveted Los Angeles neighborhoods to live in are not even next […]

5 Simple Home Improvement Ideas that Will Save You Thousands of Dollars

As a landlord in Burbank what’s your biggest fear? Aside from total demolition of your property, it’s the maintenance, isn’t it? It’s alright you can spill it out with us. We know improvement requires a lot of cash, and it’s no wonder that rental property owners fear the next inventory or checking round. We’ll let […]

5 Myths About General Contractors Busted

People are often under the assumption that the term ‘general contractor’ refers to someone with a wide range of responsibilities. In actuality, the job description is not that wide. A general contractor is a person who has the responsibility of supervising a construction project. These projects can be both commercial or residential in nature and […]

How to Find Foreclosed Homes to Buy in LA

Forget haggling for a prized real estate property in Burbank or Studio City. Go for a foreclosed home at half the prize, or near about. No, really. Foreclosed homes are hidden treasures that are dying to be discovered. A foreclosed home is one whose owner is unable to pay the mortgage on the home. Due […]

Services Provided by Landscaping Companies to Commercial Properties

What do Apple Park, Googleplex and Facebook’s Menlo Park have in common? You guessed it, amazing landscapes (well, aside from the brilliant minds that work there). Landscaping can literally improve the land and transform the visual appearance of your property. For commercial properties, this can be beneficial as it can result in high returns in […]

5 Top Savings with Home Repair Insurance

Congratulations on your new home! Like most homeowners, you might still be experiencing the honeymoon period of enjoying life in the new home, and we won’t burst your bubble. However, there is one thing that you might not be aware of: purchasing a home repair insurance or more commonly known as home repair warranty. No, […]

rental repairs

5 Ways To Save Money on Rental Repairs

If you ask any landlord or property manager in Burbank, he will be quick to let you know that rental repairs is what eat deep into their profit. The ugly truth is that you cannot avoid rental repairs. It is inevitable. However, with experience and right management, you can be able to significantly reduce the […]

tenant's sensitive information

How To Protect Your Tenant’s Sensitive Information

In most Burbank property management blogs, you will see a range of information about finding good tenants, collecting rents, and evicting tenants. Unfortunately, most blogs don’t write about the importance of protecting your tenant’s sensitive information. Author LAPMG View all posts

An Introduction to Management

As a landlord in Burbank, you have a duty to your business, family, clients, customers and employees to provide an environment that is conducive and uplifting. With this in mind, it is in the best interest of the occupants of your property that you know how to manage your property effectively. Author LAPMG View all […]