LAPMG Articles

tiny homes for sale feature

Believe It Or Not These Tiny Homes Are for Sale

With rates of homelessness on the rise, the government has started pilot programs for building affordable tiny homes for those who can’t afford a home or afford mortgage. No doubt these units are designed to help the homeless but you might surprised to see how appealing and wonderful they look. Every unit is self contained […]

finding home's value

5 Easy Ways to Find Your Home’s Value

Thinking of renovating the sun lounge and swapping the tiles for wooden floors, and you’re wondering how much would they cost you. Ping! Suddenly your thoughts move to another direction: how much is your home’s value after renovation? We’ll tell you. Finding your home’s value is not that difficult, and we’ll give you five easy […]

hard money loans bad credit

How to Get Hard Money Loans for Bad Credit Landlords

If you’re a landlord, interested in flipping properties in Burbank to sell them for profit, and are going through a crunch with bad credit, then do we have a solution for you! Three words: hard money loans. It’s the easiest form of borrowing cash instantly without going through the hassle of credit history check, proof […]

Mortgage Loan Calculators

5 Top Mortgage Loan Calculators for Landlords

There’s one thing that we don’t mourn of the long gone “manual” days: calculating mortgage related numbers with pen and paper. Today’s property management tools are a blessing many times over, making our lives so much easier for both landlords and property managers. Whether you’re looking to buy a new home, another rental property or […]

Effective Property Management Tips for Landlords

  Real estate investments have the potential to yield high returns, profits, and rewards. Investors and landlords always look towards obtaining the best results from their investments. However, owning property goes beyond collecting rent and reaping benefits. Property management is the core of every real estate investment and goes a long way to determine how […]

Bona Fide Tips to Maximize Your Rental Property Income: Part 2

2. Competitive Pricing: Have you ever wondered why your vacancy rate in Burbank is higher than other rental properties in your area? Maybe you need to re-evaluate your pricing and reduce your rent. While it may seem like reducing rent will do more harm than good, it is actually better for you in the long […]

Bona Fide Tips to Maximize Your Rental Property Income

The dynamics for commercial real estate can vary depending on many factors. However, there are numerous ways you can improve your current portfolio without adding more properties. As a commercial landlord in Burbank, the main goal for you, above everything else, should be to maximize your rental income. As daunting as it may seem, all […]


4 Things Landlords Are Not Allowed To Do To Their Tenants

As a landlord, it is very important that you understand that you are not a dictator to those living in your property. Every state has laws guiding the operation of landlords. In fact, before you become a landlord, it is recommended that you take out time to know what you should do and what you […]

Hispanic couple outside home for rent

Five Tips You Need To Know As a First-Time Renter

If you are a first-time renter in Burbank, the entire process can seem very overwhelming. In most cases, students who are renting homes for the first time have no idea what to expect or what to do. Usually, this leads to many mistakes that could cost them a lot later. The best way to avoid these […]