LAPMG Articles

property management license

What Are The Different Types Of Property Management Licenses?

You trust your property manager, don’t you? Why not, you may ask. After all they oversee, control, regulate and manage your properties for you without a hitch. But have you ever thought what makes them so efficient, professional, and accountable for the tasks they carry out? They are not born that way, let us tell […]


How Landscaping Increases the Value of Your House

Planning to turn that ugly patch in the backyard of your Burbank home to something more beautiful to behold? Or are you thinking of selling your house and wanting to increase its value with landscaping? You’re on the right track. Landscaping does help increase the value of a property because after all, first impressions are […]

property management company do feature

What Can a Property Management Company Do for Your Commercial Real Estate That You Can’t?

Sure you can handle your own commercial property, after all you’ve bought it. And you can definitely go about screening potential tenants, collecting the rent, coordinating with maintenance staff, see to tenant complains, balancing the income…(huff huff)! That’s how busy you’ll be (and more) when you manage a commercial real estate. Do yourself a favor, […]

good credit score feature

What is a Good Credit Score to Buy a Property?

It’s not like window shopping or browsing around in the Burbank Town Center. Buying a property has many factors impacting your decision, one of which is a good credit score. A credit store, as defined by Investopedia is, “a statistical number that evaluates a consumer’s creditworthiness and is based on credit history”. It’s a mouthful […]

rent to own house

Should You Rent-to-Own a House?

It’s a difficult question to answer. It’s like asking someone whether they want to cut their arm or leg off. You can’t live with it and you can’t live without it either. Same goes with rent-to-own a house. When you rent-to-own a house you get to live in your favorite home right away but with […]

mobile homes for rent

How to Select Mobile Homes for Rent

Now that you’ve got your mobile home property, time to think about putting it up for rent. Hang on a minute. Your mobile home park needs mobile homes, lots of mobile homes for rent. It’s actually time for shopping, and we don’t mean the mall type. Buying mobile homes for rent is a bit complex […]

7 Tips for Tenant Improvements

One of the best things any property could have is having Tenants Improvement on a regular. The best category of tenant improvements to implement is those that not only make your property appear better and keep tenants more contented but also those that increase your revenue thus improving ROI. Tenant improvements can assume several faces […]

Property Management Tips for Keeping Tenants Happy

Positive Tenant Relations is a critical factor in successful Real Estate Investment Rentals. If you are using your Investment property as a rental property to increase your returns, then having happy tenants and keeping happy tenants will keep that cash flow healthy. On the other hand, having unhappy tenants will increase the expenses associated with […]

Essentials of Being a Landlord

Being a landlord, owners of residential or commercial property entails heavy responsibilities that need to be fulfilled. This ensures that the tenants are satisfied with the money they are paying to rent the place. One of the responsibilities of a landlord is making sure that the property being rented is in excellent condition. Otherwise, the […]