LAPMG Articles

L.A. Landlord Advice

If you are an L.A. landlord and looking for advice, you have visited the right place. In this article, we have gathered a list of important tips for landlords. These tips will help you become an efficient landlord. Author LAPMG View all posts

Multi-Tenant Benefits

Having mоrе than one tenant in a рrореrtу can offer bеnеfitѕ to a rеѕidеntiаl landlord in tеrmѕ оf есоnоmiеѕ of scale, nоt to mention potentially higher rеntаl inсоmе, аnd the fасt thаt you are unlikеlу tо lоѕе аll your tenants аt оnе time. These are just some multi-tenant benefits. Author LAPMG View all posts

What It Means to Be a Property Owner

Being a property owner can be a very daunting task. Be it commercial business unit or residential house, it is very important to effectively manage and care for them else you run into all sorts of trouble. Effective managing of property can save time and consequently money, as time is money. These are all a […]

first Los Angeles apartment

7 Mistakes First-Time Renters Make When Renting Their First Los Angeles Apartment

As one of the largest property management companies in Los Angeles, we can confidently we’ve come across every type of renters including first-time renters who are just renting their first Los Angeles apartment. Unfortunately, this group of people usually make mistakes that always come back to haunt them. Author LAPMG View all posts

Real Estate Industry Basics

Do you know real estate? If not, you should read this guide to understanding real estate industry basics how the industry works. Author LAPMG View all posts


Expenses Your Landlord Should Be Covering

A lot of tenants don’t know expenses their landlord should be covering. In most cases, you see a tenant paying for expenses that are clearly the responsibility of a landlord. Author LAPMG View all posts

lease terms

Tenant: The Top Ten Lease Terms You Should Have When Renting

Most landlords don’t know exactly what lease or rental agreement should include. When you don’t have an elaborate lease or rental agreement, it may put you on disadvantage later when you are dealing with a troublesome tenant. You need to ensure your lease terms include everything that a tenant should know before moving into your […]

Getting the Basics Straight

What is Property Management? Property Management is the operation, control and overseeing of real estate, which includes apartments, detached houses, shopping stores, malls and bars. It involves the maintaining, managing of different property that is owned by you or another third party or entity. In this article, we’ll put you on the road to getting […]

Preparing Your Property Management Business for Tomorrow

The land will dependably be one of the prime endeavors with relatively greater returns. There’s no doubt about it. As far as individuals looking for a place to live, there will be scope for Property Management but that doesn’t mean these businesses do not have to put much effort in improving. Owners should be worrying […]