LAPMG Articles


As a landlord or property owner, the need for adequate knowledge on effective property management cannot be over stressed. Investments in real estate always have the potential to yield great dividends over time and this is why landlords or investors always look for different ways to ensure their properties are well managed at all times. […]

Some Useful Points for Commercial Property Management

A commercial property supervisor may have a few occupations, yet basically they are the ones that will deal with subtle elements that are identified with the accompanying. Author LAPMG View all posts

How to Recover From the Tenants’ Negative Reviews

The Internet Era has revolutionized pretty much  every industry, and the real estate world has not been spared. Do you know how to recover from tenants’ negative reviews? A few years ago, you didn’t need to do much to your apartments to have potential tenants trooping in. A ‘RENTALS AVAILABLE’ sign was enough to draw […]

Tenant Security Deposits

Saving $7,000 on a Water Bill, and Other Major Money-Saving Moves

    Here at Los Angeles Property Management Group, nothing comes before our clients’ profit and peace of mind. The motto we use as an everyday compass is, “Excellent property management doesn’t cost. It pays.” We make sure to fulfill that promise to every client through the way we manage their property, and every once […]

cookie house

How to Start Investing in Real Estate Without Owning: Part 2

Time to pick up where we left off. Here’s How to Start Investing in Real Estate Without Owning: Part 2 Investing in Pooled Funds This investment platform involves a pooled fund with professional managers that are investing their effort and expertise. The theory of a pooled fund comprises of mutual investors putting their funds to a […]

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How to Start Investing in Real Estate Without Owning

Real estate is one of the oldest types of investment. The market offers a lot of opportunities for buying real estate, owning and making profits. It is difficult and time-consuming to invest in real estate compared to another form of investments such as bond and stock investment. As a result of this, it is important […]

Property Management Memorables

With so mаnу аmаzing dеаlѕ tо bе fоund аmоngѕt thе hоuѕеѕ, tоwn hоmеѕ and соndоѕ оn thе market tоdау, whеthеr fоr ѕаlе bу оwnеr, a ѕhоrt sale оr bаnk owned, it is an undiѕрutеd fасt that thеrе аrе incredible invеѕtmеnt орроrtunitiеѕ to be fоund in Los Angeles and nearly еvеrу city across the соuntrу. Here […]

Don’t Rush Into Real Estate

Real Estate involves a long string of possibilities, from acquiring a shallow land to buying an apartment on the Trump Towers. Simply put, Real Estate talks about lands, building, immovable property as well as other noticeable physical improvements affixed to the land. It is actually a broad spectrum of possibilities. Most importantly, it gives you […]

How to Prepare for a Home Inspection When Selling Your House

Most real estate transactions often terminate after the buyer inspects the property. This is because they get easily discouraged by the deficiencies they find out during the home inspection. And a lot of things that scare the buyer away during the inspection are avoidable. That’s why you need to make proper preparations. Here’s how to […]