LAPMG Articles

lease terms

Thinking of Raising Your Property’s Resale Value? Here’s How

A lot of people are content with minimal renovations before they put their homes out for sale. That’s unfortunate. While it is common knowledge that a fortune can be made from well-renovated houses, we’ll like to dispel the myth that you need a lot of money to achieve this. Renovations do not need to be […]

check property history

Curb Your Losses In Real Estate With These Tips

Working in real estate takes courage since the sector can be unpredictable sometimes, because some deals may end up bad and you lose money and other valuable resources. Such deals fail because we can’t individually control the real estate market and factors surrounding it. When you have a deal that is failing, consider these tips: […]


Helpful Tips for First Time Crowdfunding Investors

The real estate crowdfunding industry is growing hugely, with hundreds of crowdfunding websites battling to get investors. This can make it difficult to pick where to invest in the real estate crowdfunding sector especially for new investors. However, you don’t have to be confused as this article is here to help, especially if you are […]

property management license

Buyers Guide for a First Time Home Owner

As a first time home buyer, the market seems to be promising and full of high returns, and the joy it brings along can be overwhelming. But buying your first home can be unprofitable if you don’t get things right. Author Emily WriterPro View all posts

Don’t Forget These Things as a Home Owner Before Listing for Sale

So you want to sell your house, and you are eager to put it up for sale. Wait! Before listing your home for sale, have you done the necessary things? Author Emily WriterPro View all posts

Buying a House? Win The Bidding War With These Tips

Bidding on a home can be tough to win especially if there are lots of offers. You are very likely to run into competitive offers, but you can still win the war with a bit of strategic thinking and taking the right approach. Here are some strategies to help you win the bidding war. Author […]

Does a Fence Increase Your Home’s Value?

Fences are important as they make your home more secure, gives you privacy and also adds beauty to your home. But does it increase your property’s value? Yes, of course, a fence does add value to your home. However, you have to know that not all home types require fencing, and building one should be […]

How to Prevent Ice Damming on Your Roof

Winter comes with lots of demerits, and not only will you be battling to keep yourself warm, you will also be trying to prevent ice damming on your roof. Ice dams, which form when melted snow refreezes at roof edge, is not good at all. It prevents melting water from flowing off the roof, and […]

Tips for Maintaining Remote and Vacant Homes

There are many reasons a home becomes vacant, and it becomes really creepy and messy especially when left for a very long time. If you will be leaving your home for a very long time, it is advisable to first of all obtain a vacant home insurance because most insurance policies won’t cover damages to […]