LAPMG Articles

Property Management Rental Property

How Much Down Payment Should I Deposit With a Contractor?

That’s a question that runs down the mind of every property owner, residential or commercial. It is inevitable that at some point you will need to make some renovations or upgrade or build a whole new property. That will necessitate hiring the services of an external contractor. The big question we often get as property […]


Property Management Crash Course

What you already know. The market towards housing has somehow sunk, and you cannot find a buyer and most of the time you will find yourself stuck. For the owners of residential and commercial property, the best option to help cover the mortgage is to rent out the property. Different people move around every year, […]

Responsibilities of the Responsible Property Manager

Property managers are hired by landlords and real estate investors when they are unable to manage their property well. Hiring a property manager is ideal for those who live far from their property. Being a landlord is not an easy job. There are a lot of things to look after. Therefore, having a manager to […]

Landlord Tips and Tricks

According to a survey conducted by National Multifamily Housing Council, A third of houses are rent occupied. These numbers are even higher in Western Europe. Buying a property, whether a residential or commercial one is a great way to invest but like everything else it also has some pros and cons. First step in the […]

rent to own house

6 Crucial Tips for Successful Landlords and Owners of Residential!

Most approximately there are ten million little and medium-sized landlords/owners of residential or commercial property in the United States. Most of them realize that owning investment property offers a standout amongst the best chances to build a constant flow of income and catch long haul appreciation. The most important issue is how to make a […]

Property Management Facts

Property management is the ability of managing personal property, equipment, tooling, and physical capital assets that are acquire and use to build, repair, and maintain end item deliverables. Property management also envelop the process, systems and man power required to manage the life cycle ( a sequence of recurrent events reflected in demographic, economic and […]

Property Management Costs

Management fees are charged on the basis of the percentage of the total rent amount. There will be a meaningful deviation in the costs that owners should expect to rely upon several aspects containing the location of the property, Condition or size of the property, the services level and management company itself. Before hiring a property […]

tiny home professional built

8 Terrific Tips for Landlords and Owners of Residential or Commercial Property

If you are searching for top tips for landlords, owners of residential or commercial property then we must say you are on the right place. So without any further adieu, let’s jump into them. Author LAPMG View all posts

rent on time


Landlords often employ a personal agent (often one that lives in the property) to take care of some property management tasks, together with cleaning and light-weight maintenance of some areas, the collection of rent, carrying out minor repairs in rental units, and responding to any resident interest. Author LAPMG View all posts