LAPMG Articles

The Do’s and Don’ts for Reputation Management in Your Rental Property

The Do’s and Don’ts for Reputation Management in Your Rental Property

The Do’s and Don’ts for Reputation Management in Your Rental Property Put yourself in your tenant’s shoes. What will you do when looking for a property? You’ll aim straight for online reviews and social media pages to see what you’re getting into. You’ll be turned off if you find one-star reviews and inactive/barely active social […]

Sprinkler system at your rental home

Benefits of Adding a Sprinkler System to Your Backyard

Benefits of Adding a Sprinkler System to Your Backyard Adding a sprinkler system to your backyard has numerous benefits. The cost of installing a sprinkler system in your yard will vary depending on its size. Typically, the larger the yard, the higher the cost of installation. Today, you can use an automated sprinkler system that […]

Best Practices When Communicating with New Tenants

Best Practices When Communicating with New Tenants

Best Practices When Communicating with New Tenants Signing a lease agreement with a new tenant is a big step. First off, selecting the right tenant is a challenge in itself. Ideally, once you find the right fit, your lease should be able to communicate the rules and expectations of the agreement clearly, concisely, and comprehensively. Unfortunately, not […]

Common Roofing Problems During Summer

Common Roofing Problems During Summer

Common Roofing Problems During Summer The icy conditions have finally subsided, and summer is here. However, with the pleasant weather comes the possibility of some serious roofing problems. You should be on the lookout for possible structural problems at your property, including potential floods and post-winter damage. The following are some common roofing problems during […]

Tips for Marketing the Exterior of A Property to Millennials In Los Angeles

Tips for Marketing the Exterior of A Property to Millennials In Los Angeles

Tips for Marketing the Exterior of A Property to Millennials In Los Angeles Today’s homebuyers and renters expect to be impressed, even before taking those first steps to the front door. When marketing your property to millennials, the outside is just as — if not more — important as the inside of the house. Preparing […]

Should You Consider Installing Smart Doorbells for Renters?

Should You Consider Installing Smart Doorbells for Renters?

Should You Consider Installing Smart Doorbells for Renters? There is no denying the fact that new technology has a lot to offer modern tenants and property owners. On that note, if you are running a rental business, you should consider adding smart doorbells to your properties. Upgrading your rental property’s doorbell would aid you in attracting […]

dealing with rental property damage

3 Weird Ways Renters Might Damage Your Property and How to Handle Them

Property damages are unavoidable. If you haven’t dealt with destruction just as yet, you’re bound to come across at least some throughout your career. Some tenants just can’t resist the temptation to avoid harming your ceilings, closet doors, screens, and walls. Small scratches, scuffs, and holes may be caused due to carelessness. For instance, a […]

4 Ways Your Tenants Can Child Proof Your Rental

4 Ways Your Tenants Can Child Proof Your Rental

If you run a single-family rental unit, new parents can be an exciting opportunity for your business. These families are commonly looking for a stable home and might even consider sticking around for a couple of years. However, with these families come young children and, therefore, it is in your best interest to childproof the […]

Trouble Managing Waste? 5 Tips Property Managers Should Know

Trouble Managing Waste? 5 Tips Property Managers Should Know

Property waste management requires handling multiple tasks that range from tenant issues to groundskeeping, updating contracts, and more. However, one task that is often overlooked is the need for proper waste management. Having an excellent waste management system will ensure that your property is clean and even attract new renters along the way. So, if you own […]