LAPMG Articles

Here's Why Young Families Should Consider Moving To LA

Here’s Why Young Families Should Consider Moving To LA

Here’s Why Young Families Should Consider Moving To LA Moving to Los Angeles is a dream for many people who want to live a freer and more active lifestyle. It’s also where most families with young children want to settle in. There is already a heavy child population in Los Angeles, with over 30% of […]

Why You Must Have a Healthy Relationship with Your Tenant

7 Misconceptions about Being a Landlord

7 Misconceptions about Being a Landlord If you are thinking of renting a property, you should first learn about the misconceptions about being a landlord. If you have ever been a tenant, you have probably had them yourself. However, those misconceptions are just that and nothing more. At the same time, there are misconceptions about […]

Eight Problems You May Find in Newly Constructed Homes

Eight Problems You May Find in Newly Constructed Homes

Eight Problems You May Find in Newly Constructed Homes You would think that buying a newly constructed home means not having to worry about construction problems – but construction defects are more common in newly built homes than you think. In fact, nearly twenty five percent of all homes in the US will go through […]

community area

Creating Communal Areas in Apartments That People Will Actually Use

Creating Communal Areas in Apartments That People Will Actually Use The perks of living in an urban city often mean sacrificing the wide, open space of the suburbs and country. But apartment dwellers can still enjoy the same fringe benefits as those living on larger plots of land. Creating desirable and liveable housing in densely […]

Rental Home Security Tips You Should Know About

Rental Home Security Tips You Should Know About

Rental Home Security Tips You Should Know About Tenants need to feel safe in their home, and that is the landlord’s responsibility. In addition to protecting tenants, securing your rental home will also help you increase rental value and reduce the risk of theft. To help you maintain a solid relationship with your tenant and […]

How to Recognize a Profitable Rental Property

How to Recognize a Profitable Rental Property

How to Recognize a Profitable Rental Property Purchasing a rental property can be an excellent long-term investment. Rental properties can provide you with a stable stream of passive income. Additionally, real estate is generally a type of asset that tends to naturally appreciate over time. However, not every property will be worth your time and […]

These Are the Things That Millennial Tenants Look For in Properties

These Are the Things That Millennial Tenants Look For in Properties

These Are the Things That Millennial Tenants Look For in Properties It’s no secret that millennials will make up the majority of renters by the end of 2021. This generation witnessed the rise of internet 2.0 and popularized digital products like social media and electronic payments. Their expectations are simple: freedom, flexibility, and affordability – […]

What’s the True Cost of Holding an Empty Property

What’s the True Cost of Holding an Empty Property

What’s the True Cost of Holding an Empty Property Most investment properties can only generate income if you find tenants and rent out the property. Unfortunately, if your property is vacant, you can say goodbye to the stream of passive income. What’s even worse is that there will be additional costs that come just from […]

Guide to Tenant-Proofing Your Rental Property

Guide to Tenant-Proofing Your Rental Property

Guide to Tenant-Proofing Your Rental Property Having a rental property has proven to be an excellent investment in the last couple of years. Why? Simply put, rentals are in high demand, and the cost of rent is increasing by the month. So, speaking from the investors’ angle, rental properties are highly profitable. However, it’s not […]