LAPMG Articles

Creating a Home Office Can Up Your Chances of Letting Your Apartment in L.A.

Creating a Home Office Can Up Your Chances of Letting Your Apartment in L.A.

Creating a Home Office Can Up Your Chances of Letting Your Apartment in L.A. Around 16 percent of Californians work from home all the time, and 19 percent alter between home and in-office working arrangements, as found in a PPIC Statewide Survey. The results echo national estimates, which show that around 30 percent of total work […]

Easy Ways To Create An Eco Garden In Your LA Apartment

Easy Ways To Create An Eco Garden In Your LA Apartment Gardening continues to be a huge trend in the US, and people living in California have the advantage when it come to this pastime as the state has milder climates, richer soils, and a large variety of plants. In fact, according to the USDA, California […]

The Pros and Cons of Co-Ownership of Rental Real Estate

The Pros and Cons of Co-Ownership of Rental Real Estate

The Pros and Cons of Co-Ownership of Rental Real Estate In some cases, it may make sense for two or more people to have co-ownership of rental real estate and manage a rental property jointly, and this is possible through the option of co-ownership. There are advantages to this type of ownership structure, such as […]

Staging a Home vs. Staging an Apartment

Staging a Home vs. Staging an Apartment

Staging a Home vs. Staging an apartment If you’re a landlord, you understand the importance of creating a space that tenants can’t resist. Whether you’re renting out a house or an apartment, staging plays a huge part in the appeal of your rental property. But what are the differences between staging a house and staging […]

Why You Must Have a Healthy Relationship with Your Tenant

Why You Must Have a Healthy Relationship with Your Tenant

Why You Must Have a Healthy Relationship with Your Tenant Having a good relationship between a landlord and tenant is incredibly beneficial for both parties involved. For the landlord, having a good relationship with the tenant means that they can ensure their property is maintained in the best possible condition and they can also ensure […]

The Skin Care Room Is All The Rage - Here's How To Build One In Your LA Apartment

The Skin Care Room Is All The Rage – Here’s How To Build One In Your LA Apartment

The Skin Care Room Is All The Rage – Here’s How To Build One In Your LA Apartment When it comes to creating the perfect home, most LA homeowners try to incorporate luxurious design features that would enhance their overall wellness. This is why around 23% of Los Angeles homes have a swimming pool, while most luxury apartments […]

5 Reasons You Should Invest in a Storage Unit as a Landlord

5 Reasons You Should Invest in a Storage Unit as a Landlord

5 Reasons You Should Invest in a Storage Unit as a Landlord Storage facilities offer their patrons a rental storage unit where they can place possessions they aren’t using. However, there’s a lot more to it than that. There are plenty of ways a storage unit can be used for commercial purposes. From small business […]

4 Impactful Reasons to Hire a Property Management Company

4 Impactful Reasons to Hire a Property Management Company

Landlords running multiple properties may often handle things on their own or with the help of employees. Given these apparently simpler options, why would anyone bother hiring a property management company? First of all, hiring a property management company saves time. Property managers can also help landlords maintain better tenant relations while saving them from […]

Should I Sell My House in California and Move Out of State?

Should I Sell My House in California and Move Out of State?

Should I Sell My House in California and Move Out of State? Everybody seems to be moving out of California and seeking residence in other states. Austin, Texas and Phoenix, Arizona seem to be top picks for many former CA residents. Is it time for you to do the same? From job relocation to wallet-friendlier […]