The Best Scents For Every Room In Your Home Back in the early 80s, Los Angeles became the top spot for every perfume collector as the Giorgio perfume, which was the scent of the decade, became the number 1 fragrance in the US after it was launched in Beverly Hills. Today, there’s a thriving subculture […]
Residential Properties
Staging a Rental Property: The Basics
Staging a Rental Property: The Basics When you have to stage your apartment, you have to position its accessories and the furniture in a way that attracts potential tenants and buyers. Through your staging attempts, they can see the full potential of your apartment, and the end goal is to show that your apartment or […]
Making the Most of Green Spaces in your LA Apartment Complex
Making the Most of Green Spaces in your LA Apartment Complex Almost 39 million people in the US live in an apartment, valuing the ease, practicality, and location of their flat. Of course, all modes of living have their ups and downs, and one aspect of living in a separate/individual home is the ability to have […]
Feel-Good Budget Friendly Decor Tips For Your New LA Home
Feel-Good Budget Friendly Decor Tips For Your New LA Home The way your home is decorated impacts your mood, according to Psychology Tomorrow Magazine. But if you’ve just invested in a property in Los Angeles, you’re likely to be short of cash, as median house prices have risen to $805,000. This doesn’t mean you have to live in […]
Mistakes Experienced Landlords Often Make
Mistakes Experienced Landlords Often Make While it may sound easy to be a landlord (you just have to buy a home, renovate and put it up for rent, right?), managing a property takes the mindset of a business person. You can become an overnight success, or you may flop hard even before your ship leaves […]
The Challenges of Selling a House in Northern versus Southern California
The Challenges of Selling a House in Northern versus Southern California The real estate market continues to soar in California. It feels like a train that will never stop. Although it’s common to see real estate price tags in CA with multiple commas and zeros, selling a house still comes with its set of challenges. […]