Investing in your first rental property is always an emotional period. For most first-time investors, it is a dream that they have been nurturing for years. Most people consider their very first rental property investment as their greatest achievement. Buying your first rental property sounds like a great idea, you should be careful to ensure […]
How To Hold Onto a Quality Rental Property Tenant
As a property manager in San Fernando Valley and other Los Angeles area, one of the most difficult tasks is finding and holding onto a quality rental property tenant. With the harsh economy, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find a law-abiding and honest tenant. If you manage to find a quality rental property tenant, […]
5 Tips For Hiring Rental Property Maintenance Staff
As a rental property manager in Glendale or other parts of Los Angeles, you need to be working with top maintenance staff whether you manage one single family property or big commercial properties. In fact, your maintenance staff will determine your relationship with your tenants. If you have a maintenance crew that responds promptly and […]
Five Ways to Make Managing a Large Rental Property Easier
Most rental property managers in big cities such as Los Angeles and its surrounding environs have to deal with large properties. Managing a large rental property is not an easy task. If you are just getting started or you are a landlord that is not making use of a property management company, you may find […]
Six Marketing Tips to Rent Your Rental Property Out Faster
Whether as a rental property manager or a landlord, there comes a time when you need to learn marketing strategies. You need to learn proactive marketing strategies if you want to be successful in this industry. In areas such as San Fernando Valley property market, you will be competing with thousands of other San Fernando […]
5 Ways to Maintain Your Swimming Pool This Winter
As winter is around the corner, you should start reading up on maintenance tips to keep your swimming pool in an excellent working condition. As a property manager in Beverly Hills, it is your duty to educate your tenants on how they can winterize the property for their health and safety. In this article, you […]