2. Competitive Pricing: Have you ever wondered why your vacancy rate in Burbank is higher than other rental properties in your area? Maybe you need to re-evaluate your pricing and reduce your rent. While it may seem like reducing rent will do more harm than good, it is actually better for you in the long […]
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Five Tips You Need To Know As a First-Time Renter
If you are a first-time renter in Burbank, the entire process can seem very overwhelming. In most cases, students who are renting homes for the first time have no idea what to expect or what to do. Usually, this leads to many mistakes that could cost them a lot later. The best way to avoid these […]
How Long Before a Landlord Can Evict a Tenant in California?
The only way a landlord can evict a tenant from a property in California is by winning an unlawful detainer case or the eviction lawsuit filed by the landlord. The law under the Code of Civil Procedures states that an eviction notice may be issued by the landlord to the tenant as a warning before […]
Where to Find Affordable Housing for Rent in San Fernando Valley
Let’s face it, there is always an up-time, and a down-time in everybody’s life. You can’t control that but there are some things that is within your hands. If you’re a student, or unfortunately lost your job, or for some reason can’t afford housing anymore, then the first thing that you need to cut down […]
Basic Benefits of Using a Property Management Company: Part 2
Prompt collection of rent The reason why most landlords have rental properties is that they want to make an extra income from the rental fees. But most landlords in Burbank are inconsistent with their collection process. They allow people to pay their rent as they like and often listen to different excuses from tenants. There […]
Property Management is an Ever Growing Field: Part 2
Now let’s continue the series we began with our last blog about how property management is an ever growing field. We’ll jump right in.