As a Burbank property manager, the first thing you need to understand in this business is that happier tenants lead to an efficient and profitable business. If you want to retain your tenants and attract more quality tenants, you need to ensure that your current tenants are happy and satisfied not just with your property but also with the services you offer.
You can create happy and loyal tenants simply by improving your service. You will have fewer problems when you are able to keep your tenants longer on your property. This will also make your business more efficient and more profitable.
Below, you will discover 5 smart ways to make your tenants happier:
Improve Communications With Tenants
The best way you can improve your business is by improving your communication with tenants. As an efficient Burbank property manager, you should make it easier for your current and potential tenants to contact you. The easier they can reach you the better.
Avoid having arbitrary times when your tenants can or cannot contact you. If you want to avoid having unhappy tenants and a lot of complaints, ensure you maintain an open communication with all your tenants. This will make your job a whole lot easier.
Get Repairs Done on Time
One of the reasons why tenants fall out with most Burbank property managers is because of taking too much time to get repairs done. You need to be efficient when it comes to making repairs. Do not wait for tenants to make complaints before making any necessary repair.
Respect Your Tenants Privacy
As a property manager, you don’t have the right to walk into your tenant’s apartment without appropriate permission. You need to respect your tenant’s privacy. If you need to make inspections, make sure you inform them days before the inspection.
Get Feedback From Your Tenants
One of the best ways you can know what your tenants want is by getting a feedback from them. Ask your tenants to review your property and service they are getting from your company. If they are happy with your services and state of your property, they are most likely going to renew their rent as well as leave good reviews on sites such as Zillow, Yelp, and your Google Business page.
A great way to get feedback from your tenants is to ask them to do a survey. You can create a manual survey and hand it out to them or create an online survey.
You can easily create an online survey using tools such as Google Forms or SurveyMonkey
Offer Incentives to Renew the Lease
Experience shows that most tenants start thinking about renewing their lease a month or two before the actual date. Get creative and think of some excellent incentives you can use to get your tenants to make their payment early.
Make Renovations and Improvements on your Property
A great way to make your tenants happy is to continue to improve the state of your property. Making simple renovations can improve your property and increase the pride tenants take in their home.
You don’t need to do large remodeling, a simple repainting, new landscaping, and even new carpeting can go a long way to improve your property and make your tenants happier.
Create an Appreciation Program
Appreciating your tenants can go a long way to make them happier and very satisfied. You can easily show appreciation with small gifts. As you are appreciating your tenants, don’t forget to appreciate your staff.
Making tenants happy is a great way to ensure there are no vacant apartments or properties under your care. No doubt, being a Burbank property manager is tough; you need to do your best if you want to successfully compete with other top and established Burbank Property Management Companies.